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Costume Build


29 August 2013

Cape n' Cowl

Update time ... The cowl is now completely attached to the cape and it's now an "All-in-one" cape n' cowl that I throw around my shoulders, zip it up half way, pull the cowl over my head, then pull the zip all the way up!

The cowl can be removed when needed and as you see sometimes in the comics, it drapes behind me on the back of my shoulders ... this weekend i'll tale some shots of this and post them on here.

The problem of the weight of the cape pulling the front upwards when its draped over my shoulders has been solved, by inserting a metal frame in the collar that runs from one side of the cape from the point at where the cape joins just above the chest logo, all the way up, around my back and down the other front side of the cape, meeting the other point, again above the chest logo.

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    The piece of metal is temporary for now as I need to find a longer piece, that will eventually follow the complete 'V' line of the shoulders, back and front and will be sewn in to a hidden pocket. The basics of the design is the cap n' cowl an 'all-in-one' design unzips and separates at the chest logo and is then lifted off me, with the 'V' collar staying rigid, it sounds strange and kind'a difficult to explain, i'll get some pics up on here soon to show, if people would like to see!

    The cowl still needs a bit of 'Fine' finishing, but it's virtually there! I'm almost ready to move on to replacing the body suit, which I have a few different ideas, have thought about 'sub-dye' but I can't find anyone over here in the UK :0( Not to mention finding anyone like "Eastbay" is just ridiculous!

    My train of thought at the moment is to make up a custom pattern and sew my own ... Oh, and the Yellow 'oval' chest logo is changing to the larger 'black bat'

    Published in: Cowl articles category

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