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Countdown to NEW Superman Film

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Quite like the inclusion of Krypto, think he looks pretty good!

Marvel Movies

Deadpool & Wolverine

Deadpool is offered a place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

The saviour of the DC Universe James Gunn shares the official logo for the new Superman film that's slated to save DC Studios.

The saviour of the DC Universe James Gunn shares the official logo for the new Superman film that's slated to save DC Studios.

Marvel finally gives us a taste of what's to come with Deadpool 3... could this be the saviour of the MCU?

Marvel Movies

The Marvels

This unlikely trio must team up and learn to work in together to save the universe!

I've read a load of reviews for this trailer and as usual it seems to be getting 'slated' by a fair few people!

Movie Reviews

Blue Beetle

Jaime Reyes fuses with an alien scarab forever changing his destiny as he becomes the superhero known as Blue Beetle.

Why doesn't Marvel and DC just replace the actors when they want to move on or when they become to old to carry on playing the character.

Costume Updates

  • Costume

    Cowl Mk2 Black Version

    A few alterations to the pattern, marked and cut the pieces and backed a few parts like the ears with a fabric stiffener.

  • Costume

    Cowl Mk2 Toile

    Studying a 'Returns' cowl I hit on the idea of trying to recreate the same using fabric.

  • Costume

    Joker's wild!

    I thought I'd never work on anything other than a BAT suit but fancied doing something different.

  • Costume


    Muscle suit or as I like to call it, Exo-Suit pressed in to service for last minute Halloween party!

Featured Blog Article
Why do people keep saying Ben Affleck is too old to play BATMAN?

Latest Movie Reviews

Latest TV News

  • Marvel TV Shows

    Secret Invasion

    What the HELL have I just watched?

  • Marvel TV Shows

    Ms Marvel

    I find it really sad how much bad press this series has had from online idiots, who can only be described as 'Man Babies'!

  • Marvel TV Shows

    Moon Knight

    Plagued with blackouts and memories of another life. Steven Grant discovers he has dissociative identity disorder and shares a body with mercenary Marc Spector.

  • DC TV Shows


    Opening credits may actually be THE best ever opening credits I have ever seen for a TV show!


Movie Reviews


Why is everyone going crazy about this film?

Latest Episodes

Secret Invasion

What the HELL have I just watched?

Ms Marvel

I find it really sad how much bad press this series has h...

Moon Knight

Plagued with blackouts and memories of another life. Stev...


Opening credits may actually be THE best ever opening cre...

Favourite Movies

  • DC Movies

    Batman vs Superman

    I really don't care what anyone says about this movie, I thought it was superb and certainly the best interpretation of BATMAN on the big screen to date!

  • Movie Reviews

    Man of Steel

    I’m more a Batman fan than a Superman fan but all the same I’m still a fan of the ‘All American Hero’!

  • Marvel Movies


    I was there ... along with what seemed like every Superhero geek possible.

  • Movie Reviews

    The First Avenger

    To me, Captain America has always been Marvels version of Superman, the all American hero.