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Pierce Brosnan's Dr. Fate


16 June 2022

DC's most powerful sorcerer

The casting of Pierce Brosnan for Dr. Fate in the new Black Adam film is pure genius, I don't think WB could have chosen anyone more suited to play the role of DC's most powerful sorcerer and agent for the Lords of Order if they had tried.

But unfortunately, I can't say the same for what the costume designers have come up with for Mr. Brosnan to wear, but then again from what I hear it's the same old story as for what DC did with Ryan Reynold's Green Lantern costume, it's all friggin' CGI! Didn't DC learn the first time it all went 'south' by using CGI for a costume?

Dr. Fate has always been one of my favorite DC characters... I can't put my finger on why, I just think he's 'kewl' and his costume has just got way better over time, well except for a few 'blips' in the late 80's early 90's when there was a version of someone calling themselves Dr. Fate, but wearing tracksuit bottoms and sneakers... I dunno, I think it was a time when the artists wanted to be down with the kids.

In my opinion, Dr. Fate should always be depicted as a regal almost God-like character who doesn't have to do anything other than levitate and flick his fingers, he's THAT powerful.

His costume should encompass these notions and reflect his power... It looks like the costume designers have got somewhere near this, but where's his massive billowing flowing cloak? I can forgive him for not having a collar, although, in my opinion, Dr. Fate will always look better with one!

What is he doing falling through the air with his legs and arms flailing around ... he just looks absurd, he should be standing tall and proud, cape billowing in the wind with the ankh behind him... don't tell me no one could have produced this!

And what's with his helmet, I LOVE the shine it looks like it's almost alive...  and like liquid, but where are the eyes... please tell me they will appear somewhere or somehow... It just looks stupid and ridiculous!

It's the eyes in the helmet that gives Dr. Fate his aura and magnificence along with his huge flowing cape.

Maybe I'm being 'knit picky' and he'll be fine when we see the actual film.

All this being said, I'll still be there to witness the first time we see Dr. Fate on the big screen and of course for Black Adam, although I think I'm far more excited for Dr. Fate, but I'm sure he'll not be in the film for long!

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